St Josephs GAA

Founded 1982

Co. Westmeath

Ticket Arrangements for Junior Football Championship

Want to manage your club's membership online this year? We've seen revenue increase by 30%.

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For the Junior Championship game on Saturday 7th August in Tyrrellspass, please note that the game is All ticket due to current Covid 19 Health Regulations with attendance limited to 100 supporters per club and their associated team and officials.

To purchase a ticket you must use the following link

Your 100 tickets available for purchase by your club members are at the following link:

Clarke's Bar Junior 1 Football C'ship - St. Paul's v St. Joseph's

Clarke's Bar Junior 1 Football C'ship - St. Paul's v St. Joseph's by Westmeath GAA - Saturday, August 7, 2021 06:30 PM at Tyrrellspass GAA Club in . Buy tickets and find information on Universe.

Access key for full priced tickets: JFSTJOSEPHS

Access key for concession (Seniors and Students with valid I.D.: JFSTJOSEPHSCONC

Tickets which have not been purchased by midday on Thursday will be made available publicly at that stage.

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